The AMPL™ Platform - Plant First™ Approach



AgricUltra™ applies its Plant First™ approach towards precision controlled environment agriculture. Solutions are designed from the plant outward, using CFD analysis to optimize the plants’ micro-environment (temperature, humidity, air movement, and CO2).

This approach allows us to control each row independently of any other row and effectively creates a “grow-room” out of each row of every layer, offering the unprecedented ability to manage and balance the operational output of facility to market requirements.

When using the AMPL™ Platform facilities are able to realize 30 - 50% reduction in energy costs vs. traditional bulk HVAC and indoor grow systems.*

*Reduction realized is dependent upon setpoint conditions, type of lights used and chiller type.

Platform Benefits

  1. Flexible, Scalable & Modular

    • Customizable row width and layer heights allows for the growing of micro greens to vine crops. Highly adaptable with the ability to fit into legacy room conditions.

  2. Precise Control Over Each Cell’s Micro-Environment

    • Adjustable Nozzles ensure equal and constant CFM for each cell along the entire Row-Length

    • Each layer is independent from any other layer or row

    • Can isolate any problems at the layer level in a room

    • Can run different genetics, requiring different Setpoints, in the same room to support production goals when required. Please note that this would exclude varied Cannabis cultivars due to cross-pollination.

  3. Optimal Ergonomics

    • Back-to-Back Layout maximizes floor space without the need to constantly move racks

    • GrowTroughs slide out into the isles – Allowing for Plant-Maintenance to be done from an upright position

  4. Heat Recovery From Each Layer

    • Reduces the CapEx associated with the Chiller

    • Reduces the OpEx every hour of operation – up to 30% (Provides generous rebates in most jurisdictions)

  5. Ascending Air Flow – From Nozzle to Return Duct

    • Provides Optimal Air Path

    • Minimizes Boundary Layers around plants – increasing respiration and root uptake

    • Stale Air is actively removed above the plant canopy – encouraging optimal respiration rates

    • Provides Active Cooling to the Luminaries – Independently & at no additional cost

    • Ensuring Cool LEDs & Maximal efficacy - Prolonging operational life

  6. The AMPL Pro-8 Allows for Facility Trials and Validation Through a Single Platform - All Without Full Facility Build-out!

    • Extremely low-cost method of developing:

    • SOP’s

    • Genetic Selection

    • Operational Expertise for Selected Genetics

      • Facility Logistics

      • Optimal Setpoints (What Works Best)

    • Organized Logistics

    • Fully Trained Employees


How AMPL™ Works


Our patent pending AMPL™ platform blows treated air upward through the plant canopy through lateral air ducts delivering dynamic air velocity and optimal humidity, CO₂ and temperature. As the air is supplied from below, the upper return ducts remove the by-products of photosynthesis (humidity) at the source (lights and plants) as it is being created to form a closed loop system on each row.

Depending on crop requirements, the AMPL™ MicroCoil, chiller plant and lighting system are sized to optimize efficiency and cost. Once built, the system is sensitive enough to grow plants with equal or less energy intensive environmental requirements.

Air Flow Distribution

Treated air is strategically managed and dispersed throughout the plant canopy via a series of unique nozzles which create strategic flow patterns leading to optimal boundary conditions. (Fig. 1 & 2)

In an AMPL™ Platform, upward airflow further minimizes the possibility of mold and infestation on the bottom of leaves while optional direct exposure UV light controls mold and insects on top*. This provides the grower agency to elevate the temperature and humidity setpoints thus lowering the loading on the Chiller/HVAC system.

* The efficacy of UV pest control varies depending on species and lighting strategies.

Fig. 1 System Level Air Flow Distribution CFD Model


Fig. 2 Sample Nozzle Air Flow Distribution CFD Model


The AMPL™ Platform - Facility Optimization

Complete Turn-Key design combining all major subsystem with fully linked communication

  • Frame, Chiller/HVAC, Ducting, Adjustable Nozzles, Multi-Channel Lighting, Irrigation, Integrated Control of all the above

Full Control Redundancy – AMPL can operate independent of Facility Control systems

  • Room Level Control via MicroCoil PLC– Any Layer of any row from the Room panel

Supply Auxiliary Heat Streams

  • Wash Stations

  • Domestic Hot Water – Cafeterias & showers

  • Space heat in winter

Complete Chiller Systems Available

AgricUltra offers customized chiller options to support all AMPL™ configurations. Offerings range from portable systems (5-10 tons) to facility scale systems (20-960 tons).

Chiller System Benefits

  • Each chiller Is sized specifically to support your Inter-canopy setpoint conditions

  • Each chiller is modular. This supports staged facility buildouts

  • Designed for ease of installation

  • Easy to maintain

  • Has fully integrated control connectivity to the AMPL™ Platform, MicroCoil controller and facility control systems


AMPL™ is built to scale from a research module to mass food production.


Control Systems

AMPL™ comes standard with our own fully integrated PLC based control system. We do not need the assistance or help from a Building Automation System or Third-Party control system to maintain control in any layer or row for any of the following:

  • Canopy Temperature

  • Canopy Humidity

  • Canopy VPD

  • Canopy Air-Flow

  • CO2 control

  • Irrigation control

  • Multi-Channel light control of; CW + DR + UVA + UVB  

AMPL™ can also output this data via ModBus, BackNet or 0-10v which allows the AMPL platform to easily be connected to other automation systems.

AMPL™ allows remote access to view the status of alarms, view setpoints or change setpoints.

AMPL™ outputs real-time data streams of the measured variables to track and optimize grow particulars or compare the results of different grow cycles.

AMPL™ facilitates control/grow customization with the ability to add additional sensor suites such as Par Sensors and Leaf temperature sensors to further optimize the grow conditions and the resultant yields.


Grow Style & Irrigation

AgricUltra customizes systems to accommodate different grow styles. Currently, the AMPL™ system is available with a fully distributed Drip Irrigation System. Multiple levels of control are possible.


The AMPL Platform, Grow Towers, Grow Pots, Cube Tray and Nozzle Inserts are Patent Pending