Lighting Systems
The AMPL™ Platform can be used with lights from other manufacturers, only limited to LED fixtures with similar form factors (below 4’ in length) and external drivers. However, AgricUltra Advancements’ expertise in UVB+A lighting instruments provides additional operational savings, mold control, insect mitigation, and improved plant flavour, texture and potency with our supplemental UVB+A MetaRail™ lighting instruments.
UV’s Ability to offset HVAC Loads
By incorporating Deep-UVB lighting strategies with our approach to HVAC deployments it is possible to significantly reduce operational electrical loads. This can be achieved because UVB kills mold and mildew while increasing some plants natural ability to fight pathogens. In an AMPL™ Platform, upward airflow further minimizes the possibility of mold and infestation on the bottom of leaves while direct exposure UV light controls mold and insects on top. This provides the grower agency to elevate the temperature and humidity setpoints thus lowering the loading on the Chiller/HVAC system.
UVB+A Pest Control
UVB+A reduces the need for pesticides. 285 nm UVB and 385 nm UVA have an adverse effect on insects. With the exposure time required to effectively trigger the UVR8 pathway responsible for improved chemical performance, Deep UV creates an environment that is inhospitable for insects. Lethal effects of UVB have been reported for aphids and spider mites (Ref. 1) UVB irradiation strongly decreases survivorship and egg production.
Insects eat less when they are exposed to UVB and UVA radiation, causing less crop damage. (Ref. 1)
The lethal effects of UV radiation on insects are limited to direct exposure from UV light. By using multiple channels and split wavelengths (285 nm / 385 nm), the UV effect can be enhanced and extended.
This significantly limits the available habitat and resources for insects and increases the probability of interspecific interactions, such as competition and predation. (Ref. 2)
UV is commonly used to quarantine labs to keep potentially dangerous insects from escaping into the environment.
The effects of UV vary between insect species.
Ref. 1.
Ref. 2. Bothwell et al. 1994, McCloud and Berenbaum 1999.
UVB+A Mold Control
UV in general, and 285 nm in particular, is a highly effective wavelength for controlling mold and mildew by reducing spore germination and mycelial growth.
The magic of 285nm is that it is deep enough on the UV scale to act as a sterilizing wavelength while gentle enough to be applied directly to plants.
UVB treated strawberries after 9 days in cold, dark storage
Strawberries after 9 days in cold, dark storage control
Learn more about UVB+A Mold Control
UVB Chemical Profile Shaping for Improved Plant Flavour, Taste and Potency
The combination of UVB + A + Visible light on a dynamic spectrum allows growers to develop lighting schedules that shape terpene profiles and increase other secondary metabolites. This allows them to take common genetics and develop proprietary expressions far beyond what genetics can achieve alone. The positive effects of UVB applies to most plants however, in the hands of a capable Cannabis growmaster, our technology can be used to create cannabinoid and terpene profiles that are unique to a brand, the expression of which can be become as distinct as any Chateaux Lafiete Bordeaux.
To learn more about chemical profile shaping plants in general, visit
UV4Plants is a fantastic resource.
To learn more about chemical profile shaping Cannabis including comparative test results, click here.
The MetaRail™ Supplemental UVA+B LED Lighting Instrument
The MetaRail™ is a two channel, dimmable UVB and UVA LED lighting instrument for manipulating the UVR8 photoreceptor to improve the chemical profile and resilience of plants while controlling mold and pests.
We enable growers to maximize the chemical expression of plants beyond genetics with proprietary deep UV light recipes that push potency, taste, texture and flavour beyond what genetics are capable of alone. By controlling mold and repelling pests with deep UV we are helping growers create safer, better products while reducing facility operating costs.
Learn more about the MetaRail
The SolarRail™
Cool White+Deep
Red LED Lighting Instrument
With multi-channel dimming, the SolarRail gives growers the ability to deliver just the right balance of light during every stage of growth.
To learn more about the SolarRail’s spectrum and specifications, click here.
Our FlexRail lighting system allows growers to achieve their desired PPFD by varying the number of lights above each canopy. Our photosynthetic, dual spectrum, cool white + deep red SolarRail™ lights can be combined with our deep UV MetaRail™ grow lights as needed. We have separated our photosynthetic spectrum from our UVB+A lights to provide further agency to develop specific spectral recipes and to increase the life span of our LEDs. Not all wavelengths need to be on at all times…..nor should they! This approach reduces the replacement cost of lights and our impact on the environment.
The AMPL™ Platform Manages CO2 Uptake to Match Light Intensity
Most plants capacity to use light for photosynthesis is directly related the available concentration of carbon dioxide and temperature. AMPL’s ability to dynamically adjust C02 and ambient temperatures ensure that no light is wasted by matching C02 uptake to light intensity.