Facility Problem Resolution and Optimization

A CFD model of day time relative humidity in a grow room. This animation has been compressed so this page can load fast.

A CFD model of day time relative humidity in a grow room. This animation has been compressed so this page can load fast.


We can model existing operational sites where people are experiencing issues to identify air stratification in terms of temperature, humidity, and air velocity. Once identified, we resolve each issue accordingly. 

Latent Issue Analysis CFD Model of 3 layer vertical grow

Latent Issue Analysis
CFD Model of 3 layer vertical grow

Post-Solution Analysis CFD Model of 3 layer vertical grow

Post-Solution Analysis
CFD Model of 3 layer vertical grow

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Environmental Analysis With CFD Modelling 

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modelling is an advanced 3D modelling technology that allows for accurate analysis of air movement inside a grow room, demonstrating how heat, moisture, C02, and air velocity affect the growing environment.

An animated model is generated, depicting heat, moisture, C02, and air velocity with a very high degree of accuracy.

An animated model is generated, depicting heat, moisture, C02, and air velocity with a very high degree of accuracy.

CFD enables us to validate HVAC designs before any components are purchased and installed.

This technique optimizes grow room configurations by revealing any unobservable latent design problems, ultimately facilitating an optimized solution. CFD also enables systems designers to validate HVAC designs before any components are purchased and installed.

How it Works

A 3D CAD model represents the physical facility with exact geometrical dimensions of the external walls and all obstructions inside the facility (e.g. growing tables, lights, fans).

Conditions of known values at specific locations, such as fan CFM, light wattage, plant moisture rate, and human respiration, are calculated.

Appropriate mesh size is then established such that it captures the smallest dynamic element detail. This is then digitized into millions of nodes that are the points of complex equations that describe the room dynamics taking place. The smaller the mesh size, the more nodes there are and the longer the run takes.


Cannabis Sativa

Illustration by Margaret Best
Commissioned by AgricUltra™ Advancements

Plant First Design   

With legalization, Cannabis cultivators have been under pressure from their investors to build grow facilities that deliver ever increasing Cannabis quality, consistency, and yields at unprecedented scale.

Typically, production has been based on scaling up black market methods of growing Cannabis, with production capacity being calculated on how big a canopy can reasonably fit into a grow room.

Environmental control is typically based on supplying a massive volume of bulk treated air into the grow room and then attempting to redistribute this air with auxiliary room fans, which simply homogenize that air with the heat and humidity produced in the room, and finally attempting to extract that air via registers in the exterior walls.This is highly inefficient.

Recognizing these challenges, AgricUltra Advancements has developed an innovative grow system designed to manage the micro-environment of each plant within a row. We call it the Plant First™ approach to facility design.

Plant First™ Systems are designed from the plant outward, using CFD analysis to optimize the plants’ micro-environment (temperature, humidity, air movement, and CO2). This approach allows us to control each row independently of any other row in any other layer. This allowing a grower to provide different environmental set points in each row to optimize conditions for specific genetics or production requirements.